We went to a giant indoor playground in Ilsan, around 20 minutes from the school. It was enjoyable riding the buses with our kiddies. They were all very excited. When we got there, we all took off our shoes and jackets and the kids scattered like a bomb had gone off. Running, screaming, playing, tripping, falling, laughing, bouncing...they were wild. We spent a few hours chasing them, tickling them, and playing with them. It was great! Nick and I always love days where we don't have to put any stress on the children to complete their work or understand concepts...we love it when we just get to play with them.
The playground was pretty big, with lots of space for them to ride toy cars around. There were several ball pits, a big play house, an area for watching movies or playing Wii games, several small arcade style rides, a big bouncy slide, the main jungle gym area...even a train ride! The kids loved every second of it.
When it was break time, we herded all of the children over to the "dining" area that had loads of tables covered in red checkered table cloths. We passed out "Dot" ice cream and gave the kids a much needed rest and some sugar to keep them going for the next few hours. We took many pictures of the kids and also did group shots with our respective classes. Then, it was back to playing.
We had a fantastic time playing with our kids and even though we were exhausted by the end of the day, it was totally worth it. As you can see from all of the pictures, they had the best time playing...and so did we :)
those kids are so adorable. you must be having so much fun with them!!!