Hooray for field trips. They give us a chance to play away from school and also a chance to take loads of photos with our new camera.
Today we took the morning classes to a random farm in the middle of nowhere. We all hopped into the buses with our classes and drove forty minutes into farm country. We went to see a kiddie-geared tomato farm with lots of beautiful covered gardens and places to picnic and play. The kids got to run around and be outside in the gorgeous spring weather and we got to play, too. We took a little tour of the tomato fields and got to feed some fenced-in chickens and a rather fat rabbit.
We all sat down at picnic tables and had a delicious and incredibly healthy lunch. The school provided great packaged lunches that were made by caterers. We all got some baked chicken wings, cherry tomatoes, loads of gimbop (which is mostly vegetable sushi with some small slices of ham; lots of carrots, cucumber, radish and mushroom sprouts), a tangerine, a banana, and grape juice boxes. It was awesome.
After our wonderful outdoor lunch we had a talent show on the little stage that was there. Each class has been practicing something to show off to the other classes. My class sang "Witch Doctor" and did a little dance. Nick's class sang Mr. Sun and also did a dance. All the classes were super cute and it was a lot of fun.
When each class did their part in the talent show the kindergarten classes went to make topiaries. We were given a little kit with eyes, a nose, a mouth and "ears" made out of balls of mushy plants and sod that had metal spikes sticking through them. Each kid was given a small mountain of more mushy plants and they had to beat them flat. Then a sprig of ivy was placed in the middle and we formed our "mat" of mushy plants and dirt into a ball around the ivy. We used some twine to ensure it would keep shape and then decorated our ball with the previously mentioned eyes, ears, etc. When we were all done and our hands were nice and dirty we had mouse-y bear shaped little heads made out of plants. It was sort of cute, but overall a frustrating activity to do with six year old children. By the end of the activity I had heard "Teaaa-chhuhh help me!" too many times and I was ready to go home.
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