It has been another busy week grading for report cards and monthly tests. We have also been busy getting ready for Halloween, this Friday is our Halloween Party at school. All of our children will be coming in costume, and our morning classes will be full of fun games and Halloween activities. My kindergarten class has been very busy making Halloween arts and crafts to decorate our classroom with. We have all sorts of fun ghosts and ghouls and spiders crawling over all the walls and hanging from the ceiling. I'll post some pics of the classroom as well as our kids in costumes next weekend. I'm going to be a peacock this year - I have a bright blue dress and dark turquoise tights. I bought three scarves - one dark blue, one dark turquoise and one purple that I'm going to tie to the back of my dress to make my "tail". I'm making two fans out of construction paper and feathers for my "wings" and I bought some feathery hair clips to wear. Nick hasn't fully decided on what he's going to be yet, he wants to be The Dude from Big Lebowski but he knows the kids won't get it and just think he's Jesus haha.
This weekend we took it easy. Last night we treated ourselves to Italian at a little restaurant we sometimes go to. It's good for Korea but it's not like home. We've been there maybe three times now...the last time we went we were asked to give our phone number...which we don't we gave them "1234" for our "frequent diner number". When we came in last night the waitress asked us if we were frequent diners and when we gave her our number we got a free coke and extra servings of garlic bread. We were pretty happy with the extra garlic bread, we haven't had garlic bread in a long while. :)
Today I had a nice conversation with my grandparents and my dad (who is visiting with them in South Carolina) and then we went shopping to pick up the rest of my costume materials and to look for a cable to connect my computer to the television so we can watch movies on our tv screen. We struck out with the DVI to Composite cable, it looks like our TV is too old and my laptop is too new to connect them. We stopped by E Mart (our grocery store) on the way home and found a really good deal on salmon...but we had to buy the WHOLE fish. Including the head. Which was not something I really wanted. But the fish was high quality and E Mart is the only place I can get good salmon where they cut it up for me and gut it and all we bought it and Nick promptly amused himself by playing with the fish head.
I made some of the salmon tonight with spinach, butternut squash, carrots, garlic and onion over a bed of rice with a side salad. Nick was most happy to stuff himself on two of his favorite foods (salmon and spinach) and now we are relaxing before going off to bed.
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