Today was our kindergarten graduation. All of our students and parents came to school and we had a nice little ceremony. We started in our classrooms, taking pictures with all the families. Then we had the children give their graduation speeches. We've been working on them for quite some time now. I was so proud of my students, my kids - they did such a GREAT job with their memorized speeches. They spoke loudly and clearly and even though they were nervous with all the parents there they did excellent jobs. I'll post a few of my favorites - but I will have to edit them down to little clips of their speeches, EACH kid had a 2 minute or more speech :)
Then, we all went into the library and we had the graduation ceremony. The kindergarten teachers each gave a speech and then the director handed out diplomas to all of them. We took pictures with the new "grads" and the parents gave their kids bouquets of flowers. Then the children all sang a song for us and after that was more pictures.
I managed not to cry, although I really wanted to - I'm sad that I won't get to spend my mornings with them. No more special art classes with my little ones, no more writing lessons or phonics classes with them. Come Tuesday I will have a whole new bunch of babies to teach and play with. I am sure that I will be happy with all of my new kinder kiddies, but I will miss my original nine. I AM happy though, because today I found out that I will be an S1-1 teacher (our highest level of first grade) in the new semester, so I will have a good chance of teaching most of my kinder kiddies again!
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