We had lunch at a reggae bar and restaurant. As much as we enjoy the Malay cuisine, we had a desire for some Western food. I had some pasta with chicken, pesto and Gorgonzola cream sauce, Nick had fish and chips. Both dishes were tasty, but nothing spectacular. We spent the afternoon drawing, writing post cards and staying out of the exhausting heat at our little table in the bar.
Dinner was at the same curry buffet we ate at the first night here. The men who run it are so welcoming and polite. We had huge plates of yellow rice this time with hard boiled eggs, spicy beef curry with cloves, and more orange fried chicken. We also enjoyed more of the milky teh tarik, the hot orange tea that is super sweet and deeply satisfying. We can't get enough of it.
Today we slept in and went to check out the orchid and hibiscus gardens. We were seriously disappointed - there were almost no flowers in bloom. There were some really beautiful paths and vines hanging off the trellises however. The few orchids they did have were vibrant orange and white with a dark yellow hue. We expected more. We did find a cute snail, though!
On the way back from the gardens, prayers started. We were captivated by the singing and praying that was blasted from the loudspeakers hanging outside the mosques. You could hear the echoes of similar songs and prayers being said all over the city. We were also stunned by the sheer amount of parked cars and motorbikes. Cars were quadruple parked on the streets and a sea of bikes took up the sidewalks and all available space.
I got serious heat exhaustion shortly after the prayers. It has been intensely hot and it was a little scary - I just physically and mentally shut down. It felt like my brain was melting. Nick got me back to the hotel, kept me hydrated, and made me eat some coconut so I wasn't totally depleted. I crashed and slept for quite some time. We spent most of the afternoon in the hotel as I recovered.
After the sun started to go down and it wasn't nearly as hot, we went out to get some savory Chinese noodles, roasted chicken, and greens from a stand off an ally on Petaling Street. The noodles were salty without being overpowering. The chicken was beyond tender and juicy. The greens were very fresh and crunchy! We also grabbed some more of the fried curry pies with egg. I can't wait to try to bake some when we go home. Then we went to the curry buffet place just to have some more of the sweet milky tea that we love. Today was a budget day - 23 ringgits overall for the two of us, which is roughly $8.00. We will miss Kuala Lumpur! Tomorrow it is off to Singapore!
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