It's been a while since I showed off any of my cooking...
We've been using the pork tenderloin quite a bit since we got so much, and I've been making lots of summery sauces and delicious dishes. Nick, as always, has been zealously approving all of my new additions to our dinners. Also, we found PURPLE sweet potatoes...they have made our meals sooo colorful and fun! Nick especially loved purple mashed potatoes, haha. I've started making this green bean salad with raw red bell pepper, hard boiled eggs, and boiled potatoes in a sauce that I make with yogurt, minced garlic, lemon juice, and seasoning. Nick and a few of our friends are all about it, so it shows up a couple of times in these photos. For the new Futurama episode we had Sean and Brian over and we indulged - I made blue cheese stuffed burgers. They were great! It was the best burger I've had in figures I had to make it myself, haha.
We've stepped up our veggie intake again - I'm now using 9 different vegetables a night for our dinners (well, when it is just us). We're trying to be very strict with the amount of healthy food we put in our bodies. We usually only eat lean meats, fresh fruits and fresh veggies now. We've cut out butter, 99% of all oil, and sugary sweets from our diets. We successfully complete our Insanity videos this week (yes, it really has been 60 days!) and both of us are incredibly pleased with the results. We are still working out every day and we're very happy to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
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