Hooray! Photos!!!! Adam and Sarah's wedding was wonderful :)

Adam is Nick's college roommate and Sarah is Adam's high school sweetheart. Nick and I were very excited to go to the wedding not only to see them but also to see many of Nick's high school and college friends. I was lucky to meet so many of them in one place!

Also, a FUNNY thing happened to us on the way to the wedding. Nick's friends Johnny and Pat (they and Adam were all college roommates together) were staying at the same hotel we were and we decided to all drive to the chapel together. Johnny has a four door so he offered to drive. We had to drive 30 miles or so to get to the chapel, and along the way Johnny suddenly turned off the music and goes "I think I have a flat!" We laughed him off and told him to keep going until three minutes later when the car beside us rolled down their window and yelled at us that we had a flat. Great. We pulled into a gas station and sure enough it was REALLY flat. The boys are all in their suits and I'm in my dress and we have 15 minutes until the wedding starts. Johnny has a fix-a-flat but it doesn't work and when we tried to pump air into the tire we could hear it just hissing right back out. We were stuck. We had ten minutes at that point and were in a full panic. A couple in a Mazda 6 pulls up and offers us a lift...they had three seats in their back seat, we were four...guess who got to sit on Nick's lap? ;) The woman driving speeds her way down to the military academy where the chapel was. We pulled up to the sign for Bogg's Chapel and she dropped us off. We ran to a building we thought was the chapel only to find it locked...a man in the parking lot asked us if we were looking for the chapel and then points across campus. It was 4:28 and the wedding started at 4:30!! I had to kick off my heels and we sprinted the across campus to get to the chapel in time. We had to sweatily brush past the wedding procession in order to get to our seats, but we were there, haha.

The wedding was very beautiful, Sarah looked amazing in her dress with her hair floating around her in soft curls. Afterwards we had a great dinner and dancing at the Picadilly Pub House. They served us crab stuffed whitefish topped with a lemony wine sauce and lobster and tender roast beef. It was delicious. Nick wore his flapper hat (the pinstripe one with the white silk band and pheasant feathers) and it was the hit of the party. Even the bride's grandfather stole the hat at one point to dance! We all had a great time.

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