Need some shoes?!? This store has a plethora, to say the least. Look at the guy squatting in the middle. How does he get out of his shoe haven?
This city is amazing. Huge buildings everywhere, then a quick duck down an alley and you're in shanty-town with millions of people trying to sell you a million and one things. TONS of deep fried everything, all super cheap. I'm in heaven. Here's the view when you get out of the subway:
Then, you take a quick left turn, and this is what you're standing in. In America, this whole place would have been closed for construction for something like 2 years. Not here! We need to shop!
Another quick turn and you're back on the street. They also have tons of underground malls/shops too - which is nice, because it is freaking hot and humid here in the middle of the day. I didn't spend all too much time here today, but I did manage to get some delicious authentic Korean BBQ. Amazing. Puts anything we have in America to shame.

It's so cool. They bring out the raw meat, and a pot with coals in it. Then you cook the meat, and there is a big vacuum above the coals, so it pulls the smoke in. They give you scissors to cut the meat easily. There are no individual plates, just lots of little side dishes. Then everyone eats off of the same plates. Takes a little getting used to, but it's cool. The food is delicious. The meat was AWESOME. It's funny, because as much as I was enjoying it, the Korean guy I was there with kept saying how this place was only subpar, and "wait till you eat the good stuff!" If this place was subpar, I am excited. Delicious to say the least.
More posts coming as I explore and adventure more! So far this country is amazing. Everything I could have hoped for and then some! It will only get better when Marie gets here :)
Marie is on her way. She should be there soon. Hang in there, Nick! Give us a call when she gets settled in! Love you both. Mommy Gina