Marie here on Nick's comp...I'm FINALLY in Seoul! I left LA Thursday and landed in Tokyo Friday with no problem but once we got there my flight to Seoul was delayed...and delayed...and delayed...and finally CANCELED oh no. They had boarded us and we were about to leave when all of a sudden all the lights went out on the plane. An undetermined electrical problem. So we sat on the plane for an hour but they couldn't figure out exactly what was we got off the an empty closed terminal. There we sat for another two hours and then the lights automatically shut off on us. Then, in the dark, three hours after we were supposed to leave (and an hour after I was supposed to land in Seoul) they mentioned that they might be canceling the flight. Which they then did. So I got to spend the night in Tokyo. By then I was pretty mad with the incompetent aircraft assistants and I was wishing Godzilla would show up and destroy them all for me, haha. Needless to say Northwest is getting an angry letter. They housed us in the Garden Hotel in Narita for the night, we had a dinner at 1 am that consisted of rice, a hamburger patty smothered in a red sauce and these very interesting looking fruit...they didn't taste all that good though.
Our flight was rescheduled for 7:15 am the next morning (Saturday) and I got into Seoul around 10 am. The driver was there for me and I was very happy to walk into my new apartment and see Nick! We had a nice afternoon eating delicious bbq pork from the awesome Korean bbq place next door to our building and walking around town getting me a little familiarized.
I must say this place is overwhelming. The signs, the lights, the cars...the cars haha...the drivers are more like it. Running red lights, driving the wrong way down one way streets; it is total madness. Also, there are a ton of fried chicken restaurants...very strange indeed. I like the name on this one, it made me think of Twitter, so this pic is for Johnny, who twitters more than anyone I know:
We met our director and I unpacked and then for dinner Nick took me to this little place that serves "gruel", overcooked soft rice that's been cooked in soup stock with spices and meats and veggies. Nick had beef vegetable gruel and I had chicken curry gruel. It was very very good. And of course it came with all the little Korean sides, the white root soup, bean sprouts, cold pulled pork, kimchi, and spicy chili sauce. Nick and I love the food here. For dessert the waitress brought us chilled cinnamon drinks, it reminded us of horchata without the milk. Again, yum.
It's 9:30 pm here right now and I'm exhausted so I'm going off to bed, but I wanted you all to know that I FINALLY made it here safely and we are very excited to be all moved in and starting our adventure! Tomorrow we have lunch with the director and our supervisor and Monday Nick starts teaching! I go to Seoul on Monday to get my physcial and start teaching Thursday. I can't wait!
Your mother is very happy that you arrived safely after so much drama! Nick you are a wonderful man to have kept me so up-to-date! Thank you!!! Good luck on your first day, Nick. Love you both. Mommy Gina